Buy British
[Re: Outsourced jobs will return if we improve training, yesterday]
Absolutely agree. When you look at some of the outsourcing costs charged for offshore financial services in Bangalore, an onshore company or shared service centre could recruit local graduates and offer significant cost savings. Perhaps the government should be offering tax incentives to bring shared service operations back to the UK.
Murray Croft
The future’s flight
[Re: A third runway at Heathrow isn’t enough, Tuesday]
Paul Kehoe’s argument is not only reasonable but also opens the door to a visionary strategy that could be implemented over several measurable stages. Without structured reform and dismantling of the dated regulatory restrictions currently stifling progress, it will be next to impossible to finance future capacity expansions and modernisations through the bond market. I’m certain that the aver-age investor prefers airport expansion debt instruments to the euro paper currently being shoved down their throats. We have a chance to reinvent the global transportation model in this country and, more importantly, to do it with as little state intervention as possible while providing a safe return for investors.
Paul Manousakos
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