Carney gives seal of approval to singer Bugg
BANK of England governor Mark Carney impressed delegates with his regional knowledge – and earned some major cool points – in his Nottingham speech yesterday, dropping the name of local-born singer-songwriter Jake Bugg in a somewhat laboured link to UK productivity.
“I hope I haven’t jinxed it, but I saw him play in Hyde Park and he was outstanding,” explained Carney when asked about his shout-out.
Bugg supported The Rolling Stones at their Hyde Park gig in July. And Carney isn’t the only City Bugg fan. Investor Jim Mellon told The Capitalist yesterday that he had also downloaded the young singer’s music to his iPod. Though there was no word of thanks from Bugg or his record company yesterday, The Capitalist imagines that the seal of approval from festival-goer (and confessed AC/DC fan) Carney is the lesser of some former cringeworthy evils.
Who remembers Tom Watson’s namecheck of rock duo Drenge in his resignation letter – leaving the band “not totally overjoyed”? But surely worst of all was Gordon Brown – who claimed to be a fan of the Arctic Monkeys, but when pressed couldn’t identify any of their songs.