Focus@Will, Wunderlist and RescueTime: Four apps to help you focus at work after the festive period
It's time to swap lazy days, mulled wine and Christmas dinners for early starts, coffees and deadlines. Given this somewhat sour exchange, it's hardly surprising that the post-festive period can send even the diligent employees into a tailspin. If you're one of the many who are feeling lost in a post-Crimbo wasteland, unsure which day of the week it is, here are a few apps to help you kickstart a new working year.
Ease yourself back into the swing of things by listening to music which boosts concentration levels with Focus@will. The app recognises people's favourite tracks don't sing praises for their productivity levels, which is why it's put together a unique library of instrumental music. It says that the sounds have been created in such a way that they actually increase listeners' ability to focus. It also serves as an excuse to put your headphones on in the office…
Most people are well versed in the benefits of having a to-do list. They allow us to prioritise different tasks, remind us of what we're yet to do and increase the likelihood of actually completing it. Wunderlist is an app which takes the tried and tested to-do list digital – making it easier to capture, share, and finish it. The Wunderlist for Business gives teams access to the same to-do lists, and has other functions such as setting reminders and adding comments.
Build a digital wall
One minute you're thinking about a big project deadline, and suddenly you're reading a miscellaneous post on Linkedin or scrolling through your Facebook timeline. Wouldn't it be nice to not unwittingly engage is some form of cyber procrastination everytime your mind wanders? Apps such as Cold Turkey and Focus let users block certain websites (ahem… Facebook) by bringing them face-to-face with what's essentially a digital wall.
Perhaps you're concerned about how long it's taking you to complete certain tasks, or worried about the time being frittered away on non-work related activities. If so, RescueTime is a free app which allows you to track the time spent on websites and applications, as well as providing a weekly report. The paid-for version includes additional features like alerts when you achieve daily goals, logging the time it takes to nip out for a coffee and more detailed reports.