St Patrick’s Day 2016: Clean, raw, organic eatery SHOT picks the wrong day for a launch party as City workers take the afternoon off for St Paddy’s Day drinking
With a name that brings back memories of messy nights and student parties, City folk may feel slightly disappointed when they find out that SHOT, the latest edition to St Paul's restaurant options, has absolutely nothing to do with drinking.
Touted as the latest "innovative clean eating concept" in the City, SHOT actually stands for "Simple. Organic. Healthy. Tasty". When better to hold a sobering launch party for the new clean eatery than St Patrick's Day?
Feeling fragile after a day at the races in Cheltenham, The Capitalist was rather keen to check out the new kid on the block at its debut on Thursday night.
Meanwhile, insurers at Lloyd’s shunned chia puddings in favour of the pub. At least 30 from the building were seen sporting green ties with pints in hand at lunchtime, showing no signs of leaving Leadenhall market to get back to work.
"Yeah, we didn't really think the date of the launch through", said the new food-joint's founder as City folk headed straight to the bars after work. Well, at least they can head to SHOT in the morning for a much-needed detox.