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Rooted in the rich traditions of the City of London, these awards not only honour the past but also pave the way for future change makers committed to sustainable and inclusive business practices. The 2024 City A.M. Dragon Awards categories have been designed to offer opportunities for individuals as well as businesses of all sizes. Explore the categories below, and to submit a nomination simply follow the link next to each category and provide a short yet detailed explanation of your nomination.

Individual Awards

Dragon Industry Leader of the Year Award

Acknowledges the impact of an individual leader whose commitment to ESG advocacy and practice sets them apart as a true social impact leader in their industry. Nominate here

Dragon Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Salutes an entrepreneur who has integrated ESG values into the foundation of their business model, promoting sustainable growth and social impact alongside innovation and commercial success. Nominate here

Company Awards

Dragon Community Impact and Education Award

This category celebrates initiatives that not only address immediate social issues but also focus on educating and advocating for sustainable practices. Nominate here

Dragon Award for Leadership in Financial Literacy

Celebrates influential leaders or businesses whose initiatives or support have demonstrably enhanced financial literacy and inclusion within communities. Nominate here

Dragon Heart of the City Award

Open to all sizes of businesses, especially SMEs, this award celebrates a company that can point to a legacy of enduring positive impact in London. Nominate here

Dragon Environmental activity of the Year Award

This award recognises a company that has made a meaningful, innovative or enduring impact on the environment, whether through fundraising, partnerships or their own operations. Nominate here

Dragon Impact Investor of the Year Award

Recognises a company where distinct ESG principles have guided an investment strategy that delivers impactful and sustainable results. Nominate here

Dragon Impact Start-Up of the Year Award

Spotlights start-ups and micro-entities that exemplify ESG excellence from their inception. Nominate here

Dragon Innovation in Technology Award

Awards technological advancements that significantly enhance ESG initiatives through innovative solutions.. Nominate here

Dragon Impact Bank of the Year Award

Recognises banks leading in ESG integration within their financial services, decisions, practices and operations. Nominate here

Dragon lnclusive Workplace and Employee Wellbeing Award

This award celebrates a company whose approach to employee wellbeing, engagement, diversity and support is truly world class. Nominate here

Dragon Impact Business of the Year Award

Recognises an outstanding business whose commitment to ESG practices and advocacy has achieved demonstrable results while leading their sector and the wider business community in the evolution of social impact. Nominate here