2017 was a record year for green energy in the UK: Here’s 13 broken by wind, solar, carbon and hydro
You might be feeling a bit blue about returning to work, but the year is closing on more of a green note.
It was a record year for powering the country using renewables in the UK, National Grid has revealed, making 2017 the “greenest year ever”.
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The year saw 13 clean energy records smashed in total – including the first day when wind, nuclear and solar generated more power than gas and coal.
And in April, the country had its first day without coal generated energy since the industrial revolution.
“2017 has been an amazing year for renewable electricity in Britain; we have never been cleaner or greener – and we are on course for an even better year in 2018,” said Gareth Redmond-King, head of energy and climate change from the WWF which gathered the figures with National Grid.
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“Climate change is wreaking havoc on our nature and wildlife, but we are at last facing up to the challenge, turning our backs on polluting fossil fuels and embracing a new clean future. But we need to show more ambition by bringing forward the ban on the sale of petrol and diesel,” he said.
The UK has halved its carbon emissions over the past five years.
Green energy records broken in 2017
First 24-hour period without coal generated power
Longest period without coal generation
“Greenest summer” – more than half (52 per cent) of energy generated from low carbon sources
Lowest amount of carbon produced by electricity production at any one moment
Largest amount of energy produced from renewables at any one moment
First time wind, nuclear, and solar produced more than gas and coal
More electricity generated from solar energy than ever before at a single moment, producing a quarter of Britain’s energy supply
Highest percentage of solar produced relative to nationalo demand
Most wind power ever produced in a single day
Most offshore wind power produced in a single moment
Most electricity produced from all wind generation at any moment
Most electricity produced from hyrdropower at any one moment
That all adds up to a record breaking 2017