Brexit: Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson outlines his four ‘red lines’
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has piped up once again on the thorny subject of Brexit, setting out four “red lines”.
Ahead of the Conservative Party conference, Johnson told the Sun that the UK’s post-Brexit transition period must not last “a second more” than two years.
“There can be no monkeying around,” he said.
Am I impatient about it, do I want to get it done as fast as possible? Yes, absolutely.
Earlier this month Johnson ruffled feathers among his ministerial counterparts by setting out his “vision” in the Daily Telegraph.
Read more: Boris Johnson is now the favourite to succeed Theresa May
Voters would feel betrayed if the transition period was longer than 24 months, Johnson said, adding the UK must refuse to accept new European laws during the transition, must not shadow riles to gain access to the market, and should not make payments to the single market at the end of the transition period.
Johnson’s comments come only days after Prime Minister Theresa May gave a pivotal speech in Florence in which she provided further details of how Brexit will be approached.
“You heard the Prime Minister say very clearly in Florence that she envisages the transition period being run under existing arrangements — that was the phrase she used, ‘The existing rules’.”
“What I have always said is that we will pay for things that are reasonable, scientific programmes.
“But when it comes to paying for access to the market, that won’t happen any more than we would expect them to pay us for access to our market.”
He added: “Brexit is going to be great. Ain’t no stopping us now!”
Johnson’s four “red lines”
The transition period post-Brexit must be a maximum of two years
UK must refuse to accept new EU or ECJ rulings during transition
No payments for single market access when transition ends
UK must not agree to shadow EU rules to gain access to market
Read more: Theresa May proposes a transition period during Brexit speech in Florence