200m sign up for Runescape
The Capitalist has played a little FIFA 2012 and has heard of Angry Birds but until yesterday had not been aware of another computer game called Runescape.
Yesterday the creators of Runescape, a company based in Cambridge called Jagex, claimed the adventure fantasy game now has 200m registered users, making it, they claim, the most played online game in history. Players can sign up for free although there is also a charging subscription model offering added functions.
There has been a sudden flurry of excitement as the organisers of the Olympic Games have investigated claims that a website owned by the Middleton family (Kate’s parents) breached Olympic branding laws.
Several items on the family’s Party Pieces website appear to go against restrictions put in place by the International Olympic Committee and Locog to protect official sponsors.
But last night there was a plea for calm from the hyper-busy Olympics team. “There have been no infringements and the products are fine,” said a spokesman, adding: “We might ask for a small copy change.”